Hello, my name is Taguhi, and I have been teaching for about 5 years.

During this time, I managed to develop several methods that best help to get effective lessons which I want to share with you too.

1) A child must first love you before he will love the subject you are teaching.

Thus, the subject also becomes his favorite and the result is noticeable in a short time.


2) Don't ignore the child's preferences during the lesson.

For example, if a child likes to draw, sometimes a drawing task can be included.


3) And most importantly, always continue teaching with the same enthusiasm with which you started. Preparing for classes in advance and having a plan is one of the most important prerequisites for a productive class.


I hope that you enjoyed learning more about my perspective of teaching and some key points that were shared. We hope to bring more helpful and insightful blogs in the future!

Taguhi Mesanyan