Hayk Khachatryan

Hello, my name is Hayk. I graduated from the State Engineering University of Armenia. I then studied theology for one year in Sweden. I also received a bachelor degree from Kiev Theological Seminary. From my childhood, I started to learn and play chess. It quickly became something I enjoyed a lot! I also like to work with children, teenagers and young adults. I have many years of experience working with them. I look forward to teaching chess to you as well! Chess helps develop problem-solving skills. In the game of chess, you are faced with challenges and problems that you have to solve in order to play your best game. Chess teaches children from an early age that their choices have both good and bad consequences. Thinking about your moves ahead and trying to play the best move that you can is rewarding, while also playing too quickly, and rushing your decisions can bring negative results. Chess can help a person develop discipline and focus. This intense focus is useful in everyday life when confronted with school assignments and other daily tasks. When you play chess, your brain will be challenged to exercise logic, develop pattern-recognition, make decisions both visually and analytically, and test your memory. These brain exercises can be part of the health of your brain for your entire life. An active brain is a healthy brain. Chess is a very rich sport and you may experience more benefits than those mentioned above. I’m glad that I can be a part of this exciting learning journey of the game of chess for anyone who would like to take on the challenging task!